Synonyms: SPM-8272 | SPM-907 | Toviaz®
fesoterodine is an approved drug (EMA (2007), FDA (2008))
Compound class:
Synthetic organic
Comment: The marketed formulation contains the fumarate compound (PubChem CID 9849808). Fesoterodine is an antimuscarinic prodrug, with the active metabolite being 5-hydroxymethyl tolterodine (5-HMT, PubChem CID 9819382).
View more information in the IUPHAR Pharmacology Education Project: fesoterodine |
References |
1. Sussman DO. (2007)
Overactive bladder: treatment options in primary care medicine. J Am Osteopath Assoc, 107 (9): 379-85. [PMID:17908830] |