peginterferon beta-1a   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 7637

Synonyms: interferon beta 1-alpha | PEG-INF-β-1a | Plegridy®
Approved drug Immunopharmacology Ligand
peginterferon beta-1a is an approved drug (EMA and FDA (2014))
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: This drug is a PEGylated version of recombinant human interferon beta-1a [1].
1. Baker DP, Lin EY, Lin K, Pellegrini M, Petter RC, Chen LL, Arduini RM, Brickelmaier M, Wen D, Hess DM et al.. (2006)
N-terminally PEGylated human interferon-beta-1a with improved pharmacokinetic properties and in vivo efficacy in a melanoma angiogenesis model.
Bioconjug Chem, 17 (1): 179-88. [PMID:16417267]
2. Calabresi PA, Kieseier BC, Arnold DL, Balcer LJ, Boyko A, Pelletier J, Liu S, Zhu Y, Seddighzadeh A, Hung S et al.. (2014)
Pegylated interferon β-1a for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (ADVANCE): a randomised, phase 3, double-blind study.
Lancet Neurol, 13 (7): 657-65. [PMID:24794721]