TGFβ1   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 5060

Synonyms: TGF-beta-1 | transforming growth factor beta-1
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Comment: TGFβ is a labile (half-life in vivo of 2-3 minutes) but highly potent cytokine. It plays a crucial role in immune regulation, and is highly fibriogenic.

The TGFβ1 gene encodes a proprotein that contains sequences for the latency-associated peptide (LAP) and the TGFβ peptide chains. Amino acids 1-29 form the signal peptide, 30-278 represent LAP and the C-terminal amino acids from 279-390 form TGFβ.

TGFβ is expressed at the cell surface (e.g. on Treg cells) as a highly glycosylated, furin-processed product in complex with the LAP protein. This complex does not have biological activity (so is a.k.a. latent TGFβ) and requires further processing to produce active TGFβ [4,6].
Species: Human
Peptide Sequence Click here for help
Selected 3D Structures
PDB Id: 1kla
Image of ligand 3D structure from RCSB PDB
Post-translational Modification
The active form of the peptide is a disulphide linked homodimer, with the bond between cysteine residues at position 77. Disulphide bonds between cysteine residues at positions 7 and 16, 15 and 78, 44 and 109, and 48 and 111. The sequence provided here is for TGFβ, and represents amino acids 279-390 of the TGFβ1 proprotein.