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Immunopharmacology Ligand target has curated data in GtoImmuPdb

Target id: 2863

Nomenclature: CD28

Family: Other immune checkpoint proteins, CD molecules

Gene and Protein Information Click here for help
Species TM AA Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name Reference
Human 1 220 2q33.2 CD28 CD28 molecule
Mouse 1 218 1 30.52 cM Cd28 CD28 antigen
Rat 1 218 9q32 Cd28 Cd28 molecule
Previous and Unofficial Names Click here for help
cluster of differentiation 28 | CD28 antigen (Tp44)
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Antibody Sp. Action Value Parameter Reference
lulizumab pegol Peptide Primary target of this compound Immunopharmacology Ligand Hs Binding 9.3 – 9.4 pKd 3
pKd 9.3 – 9.4 (Kd 5.1x10-10 – 3.6x10-10 M) [3]
Description: Note that this Kd value was determined using the 'naked' binding component, in the absence of PEGylation.
Immunopharmacology Comments
CD28 is expressed on the surface of T cells and is required for the co-stimulatory signal essential for the activation, proliferation and survival of T cells, and Th2 cell development. CD28 acts in concert with the T cell receptor to stimulate cytokine release (promotes IL-2 production). CD28 binds the the B7 proteins CD80 and CD86 on the surface of antigen presenting cells to effect a co-stimulatory signal to T cells. In contrast, CTLA-4 delivers a co-inhibitory signal via CD80/CD86 [1]. These two opposing signals are part of a complex network of positive and negative co-stimulatory signals, that integrate to modulate immune responses. Targeted blockade of CD28 is predicted to be more clinically effective than the anti-CTLA-4 strategy as this mechanism exclusively inhibits T cell co-stimulation.
As a drug target, CD28 modulation is being investigated as a treatment for autoimmume conditions. In 2006 an anti-CD28 antibody with superagonist activity (TGN1412) caused catastrophic organ failure in clinical trial participants due to 'cytokine storm' (multiple cytokine-release syndrome) in response to massive systemic T cell activation and inflammatory response [4]. More recently developed anti-CD28 antibodies are modified in ways which prevent co-stimulation and cytokine release, and result only in T cell anergy or apoptosis [3]. FR104, an antagonist anti-CD28 monovalent PEGylated Fab' construct, has reported efficacy as an alternative immunosuppression strategy to B7 antagonists for kidney transplant recipients [2]. FR104 has been tested in the nonhuman primate GvHD model, with results indicating that this strategy would require close scrutiny of the risk/benefit profile before use in humans with GvHD [5]. FR104 has completed a Phase 1 first-in-human trial (NCT02800811) in healthy subjects.
Cell Type Associations
Immuno Cell Type:  T cells
Immuno Process Associations
Immuno Process:  T cell (activation)
Immuno Process:  Immune regulation
Immuno Process:  Immune system development
Immuno Process:  Cytokine production & signalling
Immuno Process:  Chemotaxis & migration
Immuno Process:  Cellular signalling
Immuno Process:  Inflammation
Immuno Process:  B cell (activation)
General Comments
This protein contains an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domain that resembles the antibody variable domain, that has been coined the 'V-set domain'. The genes for all human V-set domain containing proteins are listed in HGNC gene group 590.


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1. Alegre ML, Frauwirth KA, Thompson CB. (2001) T-cell regulation by CD28 and CTLA-4. Nat Rev Immunol, 1 (3): 220-8. [PMID:11905831]

2. Poirier N, Dilek N, Mary C, Ville S, Coulon F, Branchereau J, Tillou X, Charpy V, Pengam S, Nerriere-Daguin V et al.. (2015) FR104, an antagonist anti-CD28 monovalent fab' antibody, prevents alloimmunization and allows calcineurin inhibitor minimization in nonhuman primate renal allograft. Am J Transplant, 15 (1): 88-100. [PMID:25488654]

3. Suchard SJ, Davis PM, Kansal S, Stetsko DK, Brosius R, Tamura J, Schneeweis L, Bryson J, Salcedo T, Wang H et al.. (2013) A monovalent anti-human CD28 domain antibody antagonist: preclinical efficacy and safety. J Immunol, 191 (9): 4599-610. [PMID:24081989]

4. Suntharalingam G, Perry MR, Ward S, Brett SJ, Castello-Cortes A, Brunner MD, Panoskaltsis N. (2006) Cytokine storm in a phase 1 trial of the anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody TGN1412. N Engl J Med, 355 (10): 1018-28. [PMID:16908486]

5. Watkins BK, Tkachev V, Furlan SN, Hunt DJ, Betz K, Yu A, Brown M, Poirier N, Zheng HB, Taraseviciute A et al.. (2018) CD28 blockade controls T cell activation to prevent graft-versus-host disease in primates. J Clin Invest, 128 (9): 3991-4007. [PMID:30102255]

How to cite this page

Other immune checkpoint proteins: CD28. Last modified on 07/08/2019. Accessed on 16/01/2025. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY,