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More detailed introduction
Activation of potassium channels regulates excitability and can control the shape of the action potential waveform. They are present in all cells within the body and can influence processes as diverse as cognition, muscle contraction and hormone secretion. Potassium channels are subdivided into families, based on their structural and functional properties. The largest family consists of potassium channels that activated by membrane depolarization, with other families consisting of channels that are either activated by a rise of intracellular calcium ions or are constitutively active. A standardised nomenclature for potassium channels has been proposed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittees on potassium channels [1-4], which has placed cloned channels into groups based on gene family and structure of channels that exhibit 6, 4 or 2 transmembrane domains (TM).
* Key recommended reading is highlighted with an asterisk
* Aguilar-Bryan L, Clement JP, Gonzalez G, Kunjilwar K, Babenko A, Bryan J. (1998) Toward understanding the assembly and structure of KATP channels. Physiol Rev, 78 (1): 227-45. [PMID:9457174]
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Ashcroft FM, Gribble FM. (1998) Correlating structure and function in ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Trends Neurosci, 21 (7): 288-94. [PMID:9683320]
Barrese V, Stott JB, Greenwood IA. (2018) KCNQ-Encoded Potassium Channels as Therapeutic Targets. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, 58: 625-648. [PMID:28992433]
Bauer CK, Schwarz JR. (2001) Physiology of EAG K+ channels. J Membr Biol, 182 (1): 1-15. [PMID:11426295]
Bayliss DA, Barrett PQ. (2008) Emerging roles for two-pore-domain potassium channels and their potential therapeutic impact. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 29 (11): 566-75. [PMID:18823665]
Bean BP. (2007) The action potential in mammalian central neurons. Nat Rev Neurosci, 8 (6): 451-65. [PMID:17514198]
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* Borsotto M, Veyssiere J, Moha Ou Maati H, Devader C, Mazella J, Heurteaux C. (2015) Targeting two-pore domain K(+) channels TREK-1 and TASK-3 for the treatment of depression: a new therapeutic concept. Br J Pharmacol, 172 (3): 771-84. [PMID:25263033]
* Chang PC, Chen PS. (2015) SK channels and ventricular arrhythmias in heart failure. Trends Cardiovasc Med, 25 (6): 508-14. [PMID:25743622]
Dalby-Brown W, Hansen HH, Korsgaard MP, Mirza N, Olesen SP. (2006) K(v)7 channels: function, pharmacology and channel modulators. Curr Top Med Chem, 6 (10): 999-1023. [PMID:16787276]
* Decher N, Kiper AK, Rinné S. (2017) Stretch-activated potassium currents in the heart: Focus on TREK-1 and arrhythmias. Prog Biophys Mol Biol, 130 (Pt B): 223-232. [PMID:28526352]
Enyedi P, Czirják G. (2010) Molecular background of leak K+ currents: two-pore domain potassium channels. Physiol Rev, 90 (2): 559-605. [PMID:20393194]
* Feliciangeli S, Chatelain FC, Bichet D, Lesage F. (2015) The family of K2P channels: salient structural and functional properties. J Physiol (Lond.), 593 (12): 2587-603. [PMID:25530075]
* Foster MN, Coetzee WA. (2016) KATP Channels in the Cardiovascular System. Physiol Rev, 96 (1): 177-252. [PMID:26660852]
* Gada K, Plant LD. (2019) Two-pore domain potassium channels: emerging targets for novel analgesic drugs: IUPHAR Review 26. Br J Pharmacol, 176 (2): 256-266. [PMID:30325008]
* Goldstein SA, Bayliss DA, Kim D, Lesage F, Plant LD, Rajan S. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. LV. Nomenclature and molecular relationships of two-P potassium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (4): 527-40. [PMID:16382106]
Goldstein SA, Bockenhauer D, O'Kelly I, Zilberberg N. (2001) Potassium leak channels and the KCNK family of two-P-domain subunits. Nat Rev Neurosci, 2 (3): 175-84. [PMID:11256078]
* Greene DL, Hoshi N. (2017) Modulation of Kv7 channels and excitability in the brain. Cell Mol Life Sci, 74 (3): 495-508. [PMID:27645822]
* Gutman GA, Chandy KG, Adelman JP, Aiyar J, Bayliss DA, Clapham DE, Covarriubias M, Desir GV, Furuichi K, Ganetzky B et al.. (2003) International Union of Pharmacology. XLI. Compendium of voltage-gated ion channels: potassium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 55 (4): 583-6. [PMID:14657415]
Hancox JC, McPate MJ, El Harchi A, Zhang YH. (2008) The hERG potassium channel and hERG screening for drug-induced torsades de pointes. Pharmacol Ther, 119 (2): 118-32. [PMID:18616963]
Hansen JB. (2006) Towards selective Kir6.2/SUR1 potassium channel openers, medicinal chemistry and therapeutic perspectives. Curr Med Chem, 13 (4): 361-76. [PMID:16475928]
Honoré E. (2007) The neuronal background K2P channels: focus on TREK1. Nat Rev Neurosci, 8 (4): 251-61. [PMID:17375039]
Jenkinson DH. (2006) Potassium channels--multiplicity and challenges. Br J Pharmacol, 147 Suppl 1: S63-71. [PMID:16402122]
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* Kaczmarek LK, Aldrich RW, Chandy KG, Grissmer S, Wei AD, Wulff H. (2017) International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. C. Nomenclature and Properties of Calcium-Activated and Sodium-Activated Potassium Channels. Pharmacol Rev, 69 (1): 1-11. [PMID:28267675]
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* Kubo Y, Adelman JP, Clapham DE, Jan LY, Karschin A, Kurachi Y, Lazdunski M, Nichols CG, Seino S, Vandenberg CA. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. LIV. Nomenclature and molecular relationships of inwardly rectifying potassium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (4): 509-26. [PMID:16382105]
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1. Goldstein SA, Bayliss DA, Kim D, Lesage F, Plant LD, Rajan S. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. LV. Nomenclature and molecular relationships of two-P potassium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (4): 527-40. [PMID:16382106]
2. Gutman GA, Chandy KG, Grissmer S, Lazdunski M, McKinnon D, Pardo LA, Robertson GA, Rudy B, Sanguinetti MC, Stühmer W et al.. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. LIII. Nomenclature and molecular relationships of voltage-gated potassium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (4): 473-508. [PMID:16382104]
3. Kubo Y, Adelman JP, Clapham DE, Jan LY, Karschin A, Kurachi Y, Lazdunski M, Nichols CG, Seino S, Vandenberg CA. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. LIV. Nomenclature and molecular relationships of inwardly rectifying potassium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (4): 509-26. [PMID:16382105]
4. Wei AD, Gutman GA, Aldrich R, Chandy KG, Grissmer S, Wulff H. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. LII. Nomenclature and molecular relationships of calcium-activated potassium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (4): 463-72. [PMID:16382103]
Database page citation:
Potassium channels. Accessed on 18/02/2025. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY,
Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY citation:
Alexander SPH, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Striessnig J, Kelly E, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA; CGTP Collaborators. (2019) The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Ion channels. Br J Pharmacol. 176 Issue S1: S142-228.
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