pegfilgrastim   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 6969

Synonyms: Neulasta®
Approved drug
pegfilgrastim is an approved drug (FDA and EMA (2002))
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: This is a PEGylated version of recombinant human G-CSF. Pegylation increases circulating half-life. In addition to pegfilgrastim, lipegfilgrastim (Lonquex®) is a glyco-PEGylated long-acting G-CSF, that is an alternative to pegfilgrastim [1].

NameTrade nameCompanyClinical phaseIndications
pegfilgrastim-jmbd; MYL-1401HFulphilaMylanApproved (2018 FDA & EMA)As per reference agent [2]
 PelgrazAccordApproved (2018 EMA)As per reference agent
 PelmegMundipharma (developed by Cinfa Biotech)Approved (2018 EMA)As per reference agent
 pegfilgrastim MundipharmaMundipharma Approved (2019 EMA)As per reference agent
pegfilgrastim-cbqv; CHS-1701UdenycaERA Consulting; Coherus BioSciencesApproved (2018 FDA & EMA)As per reference agent
USV pegfilgrastimGrasustekJuta PharmaApproved (2019 EMA)As per reference agent
pegfilgrastim-bmez; LA-EP2006ZiextenzoSandozApproved (2018 EMA, 2019 FDA)As per reference agent
pegfilgrastim-apgf; PF-06881894NyvepriaPfizerApproved (2020 FDA)As per reference agent
pegfilgrastim-fpgk; MSB11455StimufendFresenius KabiApproved (2022 FDA & EMA)As per reference agent
pegfilgrastim-pbbkFylnetraAmneal PharmaceuticalsApproved (2022 FDA)As per reference agent
Selectivity at catalytic receptors
Key to terms and symbols Click column headers to sort
Target Sp. Type Action Value Parameter Concentration range (M) Reference
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor Primary target of this compound Hs Agonist Agonist - - -