PD 158780   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 6015

Synonyms: AC1L1IRV | PD-158780 | PD158780
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: This is the second compound of the C series in [3] (see Table 2).
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2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 5
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 3
Topological polar surface area 62.73
Molecular weight 329.03
XLogP 2.94
No. Lipinski's rules broken 0

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4; https://cdk.github.io/)

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Canonical SMILES CNc1ncc2c(c1)c(ncn2)Nc1cccc(c1)Br
Isomeric SMILES CNc1ncc2c(c1)c(ncn2)Nc1cccc(c1)Br
InChI InChI=1S/C14H12BrN5/c1-16-13-6-11-12(7-17-13)18-8-19-14(11)20-10-4-2-3-9(15)5-10/h2-8H,1H3,(H,16,17)(H,18,19,20)

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4; https://cdk.github.io/)

Large-scale screening data

EMD Millipore KinaseProfilerTM screen/Reaction Biology Kinase HotspotSM screen Click here for help
A screen profiling 158 kinase inhibitors (Calbiochem Protein Kinase Inhibitor Library I and II, catalogue numbers 539744 and 539745) for their inhibitory activity at 1µM and 10µM against 234 human recombinant kinases using the EMD Millipore KinaseProfilerTM service.

A screen profiling the inhibitory activity of 178 commercially available kinase inhibitors at 0.5µM against a panel of 300 recombinant protein kinases using the Reaction Biology Corporation Kinase HotspotSM platform.


Reference: 1-2

Key to terms and symbols Click column headers to sort
Target Name in screen Sp. Type Action % Activity remaining at 0.5µM % Activity remaining at 1µM % Activity remaining at 10µM
epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR/EGFR Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 2.0 -2.0 -3.0
erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 nd/ERBB2(HER2) Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 28.9
tyrosine kinase non receptor 2 ACK1/ACK1 Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 30.3 46.0 11.0
serine/threonine kinase 10 LOK/LOK(STK10) Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 31.8 27.0 10.0
MAPK interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 Mnk2/MNK2 Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 32.3 21.0 12.0
protein tyrosine kinase 6 BRK/BRK Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 54.4 69.0 53.0
Pim-3 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase Pim-3/PIM3 Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 55.2 96.0 81.0
MAPK interacting serine/threonine kinase 1 nd/MNK1 Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 55.2
erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4 ErbB4/ERBB4(HER4) Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 58.6 42.0 31.0
testis specific serine kinase 1B TSSK1/STK22D(TSSK1) Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 60.2 93.0 90.0
Displaying the top 10 targets  View all targets in screen »