spermine [Ligand Id: 710] activity data from GtoPdb and ChEMBL

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ChEMBL ligand: CHEMBL23194 (4,9-diazadodecamethylenediamine, Actilip sp-91, Gerotine, Musculamine, Neuridine, NSC-268508, Spermine)
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  • carbonic anhydrase 2/Carbonic anhydrase II in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL205] [GtoPdb: 3092] [UniProtKB: P00918]
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  • carbonic anhydrase 4/Carbonic anhydrase IV in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3729] [GtoPdb: 2599] [UniProtKB: P22748]
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  • carbonic anhydrase 9/Carbonic anhydrase IX in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3594] [GtoPdb: 3055] [UniProtKB: Q16790]
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  • carbonic anhydrase 5A/Carbonic anhydrase VA in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4789] [GtoPdb: 3093] [UniProtKB: P35218]
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  • carbonic anhydrase 7/Carbonic anhydrase VII in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL2326] [GtoPdb: 2749] [UniProtKB: P43166]
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  • carbonic anhydrase 12/Carbonic anhydrase XII in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3242] [GtoPdb: 2747] [UniProtKB: O43570]
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  • carbonic anhydrase 13/Carbonic anhydrase XIII in Mouse [ChEMBL: CHEMBL2186] [GtoPdb: 2748] [UniProtKB: Q9D6N1]
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  • carbonic anhydrase 14/Carbonic anhydrase XIV in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3510] [GtoPdb: 2598] [UniProtKB: Q9ULX7]
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  • GluN2B/Glutamate [NMDA] receptor subunit epsilon 2 in Rat [ChEMBL: CHEMBL311] [GtoPdb: 457] [UniProtKB: Q00960]
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  • CaS receptor in Human [GtoPdb: 54] [UniProtKB: P41180]
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  • Kir2.1 in Mouse [GtoPdb: 430] [UniProtKB: P35561]
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  • TRPM4 in Human [GtoPdb: 496] [UniProtKB: Q8TD43]
  • TRPM4 in Mouse [GtoPdb: 496] [UniProtKB: Q7TN37]
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  • TRPM5 in Human [GtoPdb: 497] [UniProtKB: Q9NZQ8]
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  • TRPM7 in Rat [GtoPdb: 499] [UniProtKB: Q925B3]
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DB Assay description Assay Type Standard value Standard parameter Original value Original units Original parameter Reference
Carbonic anhydrase 15 in Mouse (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL5973] [UniProtKB: Q99N23]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse carbonic anhydrase 15 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 4.13 pKi 74000 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
carbonic anhydrase 2/Carbonic anhydrase II in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL205] [GtoPdb: 3092] [UniProtKB: P00918]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 2 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 4.08 pKi 84000 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 2 preincubated for 15 mins by CO2 hydration stopped-flow assay B 4.08 pKi 84000 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2011) 19: 1381-1389 [PMID:21282059]
carbonic anhydrase 4/Carbonic anhydrase IV in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3729] [GtoPdb: 2599] [UniProtKB: P22748]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 4 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 8 pKi 10 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
carbonic anhydrase 9/Carbonic anhydrase IX in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3594] [GtoPdb: 3055] [UniProtKB: Q16790]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 9 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 4.88 pKi 13300 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 9 preincubated for 15 mins by CO2 hydration stopped-flow assay B 4.88 pKi 13300 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2011) 19: 1381-1389 [PMID:21282059]
carbonic anhydrase 5A/Carbonic anhydrase VA in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4789] [GtoPdb: 3093] [UniProtKB: P35218]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 5A by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 6.08 pKi 840 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
Carbonic anhydrase VB in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3969] [UniProtKB: Q9Y2D0]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 5B by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 6.08 pKi 830 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
Carbonic anhydrase VI in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3025] [UniProtKB: P23280]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 6 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 6 pKi 990 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
carbonic anhydrase 7/Carbonic anhydrase VII in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL2326] [GtoPdb: 2749] [UniProtKB: P43166]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 7 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 6.15 pKi 710 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
carbonic anhydrase 12/Carbonic anhydrase XII in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3242] [GtoPdb: 2747] [UniProtKB: O43570]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 12 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 4.56 pKi 27600 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 12 preincubated for 15 mins by CO2 hydration stopped-flow assay B 4.56 pKi 27600 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2011) 19: 1381-1389 [PMID:21282059]
carbonic anhydrase 13/Carbonic anhydrase XIII in Mouse (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL2186] [GtoPdb: 2748] [UniProtKB: Q9D6N1]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse carbonic anhydrase 13 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 4.65 pKi 22600 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
carbonic anhydrase 14/Carbonic anhydrase XIV in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3510] [GtoPdb: 2598] [UniProtKB: Q9ULX7]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase 14 by stopped flow CO2 hydration method B 6.07 pKi 860 nM Ki J Med Chem (2010) 53: 5511-5522 [PMID:20590092]
Caspase 2/Caspase-2 in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4884] [GtoPdb: 1618] [UniProtKB: P42575]
ChEMBL Activation of procaspase 2 after 24 hrs B 5.07 pEC50 8500 nM EC50 J Med Chem (2008) 51: 2346-2349 [PMID:18366176]
Coagulation factor XIII in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4530] [UniProtKB: P00488]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human coagulation factor XIIIa assessed as inhibition of factor 13a mediated crosslinking of fibronectin-collagen incubated for 2 hrs by SDS-PAGE analysis B 4 pIC50 100000 nM IC50 Eur J Med Chem (2020) 200: 112442-112442 [PMID:32502864]
GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2B/GluN2C/GluN2D/GluN3B/GluN3A/Glutamate NMDA receptor in Rat (target type: PROTEIN COMPLEX GROUP) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL1907608] [GtoPdb: 455456457458459461460] [UniProtKB: P35439Q00959Q00960Q00961Q62645Q8VHN2Q9R1M7]
ChEMBL Ability to enhance [3H]MK-801 binding to NMDA receptors in rat forebrain membranes was calculated with respect to spermine B 5.28 pEC50 5200 nM EC50 J Med Chem (1995) 38: 4891-4896 [PMID:8523402]
GluN1/GluN2B/Glutamate NMDA receptor; Grin1/Grin2b in Rat (target type: PROTEIN COMPLEX) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL2096666] [GtoPdb: 455457] [UniProtKB: P35439Q00960]
ChEMBL Positive allosteric modulation of recombinant rat GluN1/GluN2B receptor expressed in xenopus laevis oocyte assessed as potentiation of glycine-induced current response by whole cell voltage clamp method B 4 pEC50 100000 nM EC50 J Med Chem (2017) 60: 5556-5585 [PMID:28586221]
GluN2B/Glutamate [NMDA] receptor subunit epsilon 2 in Rat (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL311] [GtoPdb: 457] [UniProtKB: Q00960]
ChEMBL Positive allosteric modulation of GluN2B receptor in rat spinal cord neurons assessed as increase in glycine-induced channel current by two electrode voltage clamp method B 4.09 pEC50 81000 nM EC50 J Med Chem (2018) 62: 3-23 [PMID:29446949]
CaS receptor in Human [GtoPdb: 54] [UniProtKB: P41180]
GtoPdb - - 3.5 pKd - - - Am J Physiol (1997) 273: C1315-23 [PMID:9357776]
Kir2.1 in Mouse [GtoPdb: 430] [UniProtKB: P35561]
GtoPdb - - 9.1 pKd - - - Neuron (1995) 14: 1047-54 [PMID:7748552];
J Physiol (Lond.) (1996) 491 ( Pt 2): 367-81 [PMID:8866861]
TRPM4 in Human [GtoPdb: 496] [UniProtKB: Q8TD43]
GtoPdb - - 4.2 pIC50 61000 nM IC50 Pflugers Arch (2004) 448: 70-5 [PMID:14758478]
TRPM4 in Mouse [GtoPdb: 496] [UniProtKB: Q7TN37]
GtoPdb - - 4.5 pIC50 - - - Cell Calcium (2005) 37: 267-78 [PMID:15670874]
TRPM5 in Human [GtoPdb: 497] [UniProtKB: Q9NZQ8]
GtoPdb - - 4.43 pIC50 37000 nM IC50
TRPM7 in Rat [GtoPdb: 499] [UniProtKB: Q925B3]
GtoPdb - - 5.64 pKi 2300 nM Ki J Gen Physiol (2002) 120: 221-35 [PMID:12149283]

ChEMBL data shown on this page come from version 34:

Zdrazil B, Felix E, Hunter F, Manners EJ, Blackshaw J, Corbett S, de Veij M, Ioannidis H, Lopez DM, Mosquera JF, Magarinos MP, Bosc N, Arcila R, Kizilören T, Gaulton A, Bento AP, Adasme MF, Monecke P, Landrum GA, Leach AR. (2024). The ChEMBL Database in 2023: a drug discovery platform spanning multiple bioactivity data types and time periods. Nucleic Acids Res., 52(D1). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkad1004. [EPMCID:10767899] [PMID:37933841]
Davies M, Nowotka M, Papadatos G, Dedman N, Gaulton A, Atkinson F, Bellis L, Overington JP. (2015) 'ChEMBL web services: streamlining access to drug discovery data and utilities.' Nucleic Acids Res., 43(W1). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkv352. [EPMCID:25883136]